Driving Decoder UHL 77500
= identical to PIKO 36120, 36212 and 36122 and a substitute for the Massoth XL
Special Sales Price US$ 85.00/ea.
Buy 2 for US$ 110.00
plus shipping&handling---------- 4 left in stock
plus shipping&handling---------- 4 left in stock
Compare to Piko prices ranging from US$ 135.00 to $189.00/ea.
For all PIKO locos V60, V100,VT98, BR 194
Using a Piko cable set (not sold by Klaus) it also fits into PIKO 0-6-0, Mogul and Camelback as well as into TAURUS and BR 218.As a Massoth XL substitute it fits into almost all LGB engines except Chloe, LGBchen, Olomana and Porter.
Get them while they last!
Contact Klaus by email or phone for ordering
The red 2096 test injection molding in the White-Elephant-Sale image will also be coming up for sale as well as more clearance items from Klaus' workshop parts section.