July 2018 --- Thoughts
Passover Monday I had my GPS show me how to get to „Seeuferstraße 117“ in Pörtschach. I just wanted to have a look, after all it was a
What followed was a short meeting ( alas for almost an hour) and agreeing on an appointment a few days later. Imagine a property of about ½ an acre ( which is a lot around
Beginning of June the LGB New No 49180 was delivered: two Saxonian DR rolling cars, which surprisingly were announced as “Surprise New Item” at the “IMA” in Goeppingen in Fall of 2017 (IMA is the International Model Railway Convention which is held jointly with the Maerklin-Fair). Why they couldn’t wait until Summer 2018 to deliver this surprise or just incorporated it into the regular New Item program 2018 is beyond me. They have a small extra brochure which you can check out via this link
LGB flyer
I also want to show you some photos to compare this to the similar Magnus rolling car by Christian Hoehne, which was already available years ago.
LGB-rolling car:
rolling car with narrow gauge tank car:
Two coupled
rolling cars with standard gauge box cars:
Rolling cars
by LGB and Magnus, size comparison:

It’s quite
visible that the LGB rolling cars (in contrast to their huge packaging) are too
small. Sad though—because they are actually made quite well.Newly delivered as well are the gold colored Anniversary Stainz No. 20216, the „Wolfgang Richter“-baggage car No. 32191 and the gondola „Wernesgrüner“ No. 32352.
I’ve put the Stainz next to the also golden colored one by Modell-Land and check this out: LGB became quite frugal: the connecting rods in grey plastic, roof not painted and no shadow lines, no white markings on the front nor rear bumpers. One cheap “frugal-edition’ at a high price and on their Anniversary? I don’t get it....
The baggage car was labeled in English only, showing„Freight Mail“ and „Railway Post Office“. I do understand that they didn’t want to have 2 different labeled cars in their program, - but they could have labeled both sides differently—as was done in the past on the 4-axle LGB tank car
I do like the gondola quite well - especially since the lights at the bar can be switched on via the power pickup at the metal wheels. If it would be fitted with some pretty “Preiser” figurines it’ll make quite a statement.
Subject Change:
The supplemental book to the „LGB-Kompendium“, published by Meliset Kartenhaus-Verlag. A ‚must’ for all LGB-collectors („ 50 Years of LGB“)
And then there is one more news: On June 28 , 2018 our web page “LGB Freunde Much” registered the 1 millionth reader! Crazy! We started out on March 1, 20016 with news to the LGB’er- the year of LGB bankruptcy. We just wanted to to something being frustrated and sad back then. Well, maybe we should have asked for $ 1.00 from each reader
In this regard – warmest wishes
H.-Jürgen Neumann